30 Best Zombie Movies

Video - World of WarCraft - Cinematic Storyboard / Acting

World of WarCraft - Cinematic Storyboard/Acting

This is an inside look on how the original WoW trailer was designed and produced. This is the last installment on the World of WarCraft documentary.

¤When 3D characters are animated, we use Motion capture technology or more commonly known as "performance capture" which allows us to obtain real time results (3:25-5:42). The amount of work does not vary with the complexity or length of the performance to the same degree when using traditional techniques. Performance capture allows many tests to be done with different styles or deliveries. For example, testing out different facial gestures (like seen in 4:52-4:59) for the animated characters. Motion capture would be easily picked up. Complex movement and realistic physical interactions can be easily recreated in a physically accurate manner.

World of WarCraft - Cinematic Storyboard / Acting

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