30 Best Zombie Movies

Free wallpapers from Rio movie

Free wallpapers from Rio movie
Download for free 6 wallpapers for desktop background from animation movie Rio. Wallpapers from Rio movie. Wallpaper with Blu. Wallpaper with Jewel. Wallpaper with Rafael. Wallpaper with Luiz. Wallpaper with Nigel. Wallpaper with Pedro &Nico.

Blu - A completely domesticated - and flightless -- bird who has lived his entire life indoors. Blu and his owner (and best pal) Linda think he's the last of his kind, but when they learn about another Macaw who lives in Rio de Janeiro, they head to the faraway and exotic land to find Jewel, Blu's female counterpart. In his new world, Blu is totally lost, until he meets new friends, find his inner-hero, and figures out a way to return to the best friend a bird ever had.
 Jewel - A beautiful and fiercely independent female bird from the rainforest of Brazil. Even though she and Blu are both rare macaws, they're complete opposites. But when they're brought together, she and Blu find themselves on the adventure of a lifetime.
 Luiz  - A mean-looking but friendly bulldog, Luiz aids Blu in his journey. His slobbery bite proves that "drool is cool"
Nigel - A conniving cockatoo, Nigel is hot on the trail of Blu and Jewel, who have fled Nigel's employers - a band of bird-nappers.
 Pedro &Nico - A dynamic duo with a playful beat and a song in their hearts, they spring into action to help their new friend Blu.
 Rafael - A suave and charming toucan / family man, Rafael is one of Blu's new friends in Rio.

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